Friday, February 11, 2005

Two for one

I was so intent on getting enough sleep last night that upon diving into bed with my book, I neglected to make an entry. Yesterday was mostly forgettable, despite its springlike appearance. Once more I had to trundle my old mom with her crumbling teeth downtown to our dentist for an emergency patching up. My mom really dislikes having to go in for dental work; it might have something to do with the fact one of her ears sustained radiation burns when as a child she was left too long under an x-ray by an unbelievably inept dentist. Think of the liability that would incur these days! ( And the fucking Looting and Pillaging GOP Neobarbarians will have us back to that level of malpractice with no consequences in short order here... hey, it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to!!!)
Number 9 Dream took an extremely violent and nightmarish turn, which didn't exactly make for the sweet dreams. There was a scene so horrible that I think I have successfully numbed myself to recalling it. There are so many fantasy sidetrips in the novel that I will simply consign this section to that category, emphasis on the "gory." There is a horrible dank little gallery somewhere in my brain in which vividly disturbing images repose. This scene will join the one from Fowles' "The Magus," which depicted the aftermath of Nazi torture; as well as the Blob slowly ingesting an old man, starting with his hand. There are audio clips in this gallery, too, which include most any country and western music, and political speeches and pronouncements
from the current regime. Quelle horreur!


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