Sunday, March 27, 2005

easter shmeaster

No egg hunt at our house, rather a flurry of waffle-making, using our friend and neighbor's pastel-colored eggs from her araucana chickens. Their shells are delicate hues of green, turquoise and pinkish-cream, with the most astoundingly deep yellow yolks. They contributed to tender delicious waffles.
Another blustery day, but about 4:00 we got out for a longish walk down to Lake Union and back. The water was a dull metallic gray, lots of wind gusts and attendant waves. I felt a decided lack of vigor going back up the hill. About halfway up, the sun appeared to mock us, and we warmed up to the point of removing our winter jackets.
Roasted a big free range chicken; I had considered getting a young duckling, but my previous experience with them has shown them to be a very greasy fowl. Our son arrived to join us, and we had a pleasant meal.
Off to bed very early with Moby D. Much sneezing and sniffing, scratchy throat,bad signs for the night.


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