Friday, May 06, 2005

Friday fumings

Hoo wee, we are having a fiery breakfast round table here this morning! Our twenty-something son is telling me it does me no good to rejoice at that Spokane pervert of a mayor getting exposed for his pederastic tendencies, and I am maintaining that any chink in the Karl Rovian barbarian wall is a good thing. We do agree that the USA and the rest of the world are going down dangerous paths, but neither one of us knows what to do about it.
My mother started out the morning very shakily, wobbling downstairs asking me when our son had returned from California, as she'd just bumped into him on the way downstairs. He's been back since late March...She seemed tired when we went out for our walk, and barely made it up the last several steps to our fron porch, so I'm not sure what's in the cards for the rest of the day. She did say she hadn't slept very well, so maybe that's the key to this spaciness. Getting old isn't always consistent...
Went to the gym to set a route. It was an easy one from its inception, but somehow I get embroiled about halfway through these problems and have some difficulty just driving on until it's done. So it took an hour and a half of fiddling about to nail it, but at least it's moderate. Hooked up with my buddy Candi, and zipped around, clambering up as many routes as I could manage before I got tired. We have decided to team up with a friend for her and a spouse for me and get us some salsa lessons. Sounds like a blast!


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