Monday, August 08, 2005

Slather on the arnica, baby

Ohhhhh... I'm on the beaten up and sore side this morning. All sides of my knees are battered and scraped, the little mound of flesh - muscle? - below my index fingers and next to my thumbs is bruised, and every time I move a new way, something somewhere complains. Dang, that was fun yesterday! And my hands had just started to heal from the blistering they took chasing after my beloved spouse in a sea kayak, owing to my less than ideal paddling technique. The joys of sports in one's 50's....well, as Shakespeare put it, better to do this "than to let my heart cool with mortifying groans..." Bit of paraphrasing there.


Blogger isabelita said...

Um, buff for my age group, I suppose. I'm still applying the arnica gel today, but I did go running hills and got in a Nautilus workout. The bruises are starting to look impressive!

3:21 PM  

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