Saturday, July 30, 2005

Sore Saturday

Okay. Uncle. Oncle. Tio mio. Whatever it is in German. My body's starting to gripe some over its exercise over the past week. Climbing outside, hiking, indoor climbing, more running and lifting, more indoor climbing for two days in a row, including a competition, more running and lifting. This is the first day I haven't planned for some sort of exercise, and I think I'd better stick to planting the box of seedum plants I found as I walked home yesterday from running. People are always running a sort of "plant amnesty" around here, leaving thinned out items along the sidewalk with "free" signs on them. Furniture as well. Needy college students could furnish whole house with the items left on on the parking strips - well, probably this isn't done in the higher-rent neighborhoods, but it is often seen in many parts of Seattle.
We walked down to a neighborhood called Fremont to meet some old friends for tapas and sangria. Our sons used to be great buddies back in elementary school. Theirs is now out of the UW and trying to figure out his way, too. It was fun to talk to them and walk around Fremont a bit with them.
So I ended up having a good walk tonight.


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