Thursday, September 01, 2005

Oatmeal kind of morning

Just cool enough to warrant a bowl of "bloatmeal." Tried some with the little chunks of maple sugar that I got, but it wasn't as pleasing as good old brown sugar.
Off to look for a book for the reading group - no luck -and Bumbershoot tickets for Monday. Those I was able to get.
Walked today with Mother, convincing her it wasn't really "cold" at almost 70 degrees.
Sort of ran to a weight workout, but my legs felt leaden. Well, at least I got out.
Whacked away some more at my friend's overgrown front planting, filling up our yard waste container. No sight of her today.
Am sick over the New Orleans tragedy. No one in the government really cares, to Bush et al it's a way to wipe out a lot of black people who they see as a drain on the economy, people who have to loot publicly and not get away with it as Bush et al have done on a much larger scale. Yet more sickening stuff.
I'm going up to read Saramago's The Cave.


Blogger isabelita said...

Exactly, Kathy. By way of comparison, look at Florida and the aid it received after storms last year. They now have a state of the art emergency response system. That's what they get for delivering an election to W., and having his brother in charge of the state.

6:16 PM  

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