Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wotta day

Another jewel of a day, wherein walks are like mini-vacations. We got a couple of good ones in before a drop in the breezes made our neighborhood too warm for vulnerable folks.
Went to the climbing gym with another friend, who hasn't been for a while. She's been participating in a Korean martial arts from called Um Yung Do, I believe it is called, and tomorrow evening we're going to the classroom to try out their form of women's self-defense. She said part of it consists of making a weapon out of your handbag. Well, being a NON-girly girl, I hate carrying a purse, so we shall see what deadly assault can be carried out with a fanny pack...


Blogger isabelita said...

Hee! Well, evidently it is a timeless maneuver!

8:28 PM  

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