Sunday, April 01, 2007

No foolin' around

No jokes today. We have the worst possible practical joke of all time sitting in the Oval Office, bar Josef Stalin; how could anything possibly follow?
So tired, running and working out was an arduous chore. Just wanted to hide away and eat a gooey cinnamon roll, or something.
Talked with our kid; he'll be home later next week.


Blogger Imperatrix said...

Sorry you're feeling down. (the current Iran - UK thing brings me down if I think on it too long).

But -- I do have a fabulous cinnamon roll recipe, with maple frosting, that isn't gooey, just fluffy and delicious!

5:34 AM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

Isabelita: I hear you.

Imperatrix: Maple frosting! Ohhhh.

8:14 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

imperatrix, anything real maple-y goes over very well around this house! Is it on your site somewhere?

kathyr - You know me and maple butter...

10:15 AM  

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