Monday, November 05, 2007

Blanketing but quickly dissipating

Another layer of fog, another layer of maple leaves; we walked, raked, talked, slaked our thirsts. I've finished Murdoch's The Good Apprentice, and after all, found it to be quite good, in its rambing loquacious way. Picking up some of what seem to be Murdoch's pet themes, such as the effects of a character who is reported to be charismatic by others in the novel, yet from which veils are lifted and normal mortality is revealed, more or less; the strange quandaries of characters who think themselves just about to death; fringe-ish happenings and behaviors. She's a funny one, this writer, she often irritates the hell out of me for a while, then wins me over. I may need to go find more. Next up is a volume called Mr. George Eliot, by a British historian. I aim to find out more about Eliot's "coach."


Blogger JS said...

Harrrummmph. I still think you've read almost everything. Time to write. Show 'em how it's done. You used 'slaked' and 'loquatious' in the same paragraph; has Murdoch accomplished as much?

6:56 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Oh, mfm, I've always been a word geek! I truly admire and appreciate gifted writes of fiction, but as for writing as an art, I have found it to be damned hard to do.
And I sure as hell haven't read everything, at least not yet...

7:04 PM  

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