Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dental drama

Again with the routine trip for cleaning, and the trepidation and literal foot-dragging; the promise of a truffle or two afterwards seemed to help. Found some blue corn posole to cook up at the Asian supermarket, in a section full of items from New Mexico. I don't think I've seen posole anywhere else.
Checked out a new shop near the dentist's office, full of unusual Asian items. A Japanese-American woman about my age was talking with the woman owner about some kind of event commemorating the Japanese-American internment during WWII. The building we were in was originally owned by such a family, don't know if they regained it. There has not been a good deal of acknowledgement of this terrible time around here, oddly enough for such a progressively conscienced place. Maybe the progressive part has only been rising lately, come to think about it.


Blogger robin andrea said...

When Roger and I were vacationing in the Eastern Sierras, going from one incredible day hike to another, we made a point of going to Manzanar. It is quite a harsh place in the dry Owen's Valley. We felt we should see our country's concentration camps.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Kathy Rogers said...

You found blue corn posole at an Asian market? Wacky.

4:51 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

There's a guy on a blog site, If I Ran the Zoo, who does a lot of photoblogging. He has a series called Sunday Sierra Photoblog, which is amazing. He recently did a desert raod trip after his dad died, and had all kinds of great images of Manzanar, Owens River Gorge, you name it.

Yes, Kathyr, and I cooked half of it; it's delicious!

7:14 PM  

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