Friday, January 14, 2011

Melting away

Time and snow; we'll have no mountain pack at all come summer. These mild spritzy days are fine for walking about. We already saw the first snow drops last weekend, and I'm watching the patches nearby, which are starting to bud. One or two crazy daffodils are about to pop.
Unbeknownst to me, someone scheduled a woman to do the exercises with the LOLs, so I audited them and learned a few things. This person said she volunteered for ten years in nursing homes before starting her own service; it takes a special personality to be able to do that. I'd do a few days in my mom's place, but not sure about years...
Well along in Woolf's collected short fiction, and finding an increasing number of passages that somehow hit the heart. For a while I'd been growing impatient with the neurasthenic, hothouse flowery women characters, but my appreciation for Woolf's sensibilities is growing.


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