What do you say to your almost 87 year old mother, when she tells you that she wonders why she is still here? And that she's been wondering, as well, why humans are on earth? As in, Why Are We Here? I think she was tired. She'd had a rough night, waking frequently, her sleep full of tiring dreams. She has told me before that sometimes she wakes up exhausted; she'd been working in her dreams all night, like the princesses who were enchanted by a sorcerer and whisked off to his palace where he made them clean his castle, returning them to their beds at dawn. Well, as for why she's still here, living with us, I offered her the following options: if you believe in a Higher Power, then you could say this Power has some plan for you. If you prefer a rational explanation, well, then, you are a woman in good shape for your age, despite your memory problems, who walks every day and takes care of herself. As for why we're all here on earth, once again, I told her, if you believe in a "God," then you believe this "god" made us and put us here; but I sure don't buy that baloney. We are some kind of bizarre chemical accident, and are on the way out. Hoist by our own selfishness. I'm not sure what she thought of that, but she knows me well enough to realize I won't be spewing any falsely optimistic malarkey.
What was pleasurable today? The weather was amazingly gorgeous for late January; we had a nice walk; I had great fun at the climbing gym, trying new lead routes and talking with friends I've made there; and returning home to find out our son had called from J-Tree, and all was well with him. I wish we could instantly transport ourselves down there to see him, and explore the area, but it doesn't appear that it will work out that way.
I'm tired from the climbing workout. Off to bed with a book.