Sunday, July 24, 2005

Day of rest?

Well, it was supposed to be a laid back day, but we needed to go out to search for something lost on a hike yesterday. After beating the bushes for awhile and having no luck, we went on a nice little hike to a place called Twin Falls State Park. Nice trail down to a series of gorgeous waterfalls, which in full spate are said to produce a deafening thunderous sound. Since it's the end of July, the volume of water has diminished somewhat, but was still lovely to behold. There were several old growth trees near the trail, which always pleases me, including one I could covertly caress. These huge trees hold me in thrall, and I always try to worship them on the sly. They represent a vanishing life force on this planet, and I ache when I think about it.
Speaking of aching...we watched the award-winning movie "The Whale Rider" tonight, and it proved to be a wonderful little story of coming of age and scales falling from the eyes of hide-bound traditionalists.


Blogger isabelita said...

Chris - We didn't stay up to watch the "making of" bit. That girl ws wonderful!

7:22 PM  

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