Friday, August 12, 2005

Flippant Friday

Okay, after forging ahead several dozen more pages in The Razor's Edge, I'm liking it. I suppose I should grudgingly admit that I'm glad I persevered, but I won't, just to be contrary. Maugham's voice strikes me as annoyingly prissy and fussy. Kind of like an old time Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Googled him - one of his observations about himself was that he was "one quarter normal, and three quarters queer." Billed as a bisexual, but it sounded to me as if he sort of tried to be closeted - married a woman he had impregnated becasue, as he said, it simply wouldn't DO to leave her child without a father, but it didn't work out. Good grief, you hardly need "Gay-dar" to notice how lovingly he describes attractive men, how he trashes fat ones, and how he generally trashes women in his descriptions of their bodies, clothes and behavior. BEE-yitch!


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