Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sore amazement...

... after reading this morning's OT posts from a book group I've been in. How people can blandly sit around and say we should respect our elected leaders no matter what they say and do is astounding to me. I am tired of shouting down the bottomless shaft about it, and from what I've observed on various sites, neocons, regular cons, bible-beatin' cons, throwback cons and murderous cons, they all seem to have a propensity for spewing out reams and reams of what they call "reasoned argument": blind blather. There's no reasoning with delusional humans, nor much point in trying to demonstrate facts to them. You know, I wouldn't care as much if it were just their kids being ground up in Iraq, or their institutions being eroded and destroyed by deliberate maneuvers on the part of Cheney/Bush & Co. I would stand by and watch them all wash down the bloody drain. But it's my world, and my kid's world, and my friends' world, too, and they're scraping it to the bone.
Finally got back to route setting this afternoon, and my sequencing has improved. Oh, wall...


Blogger Unknown said...

Truth indeed is a slave to perception. If you think you are being led the right way, then you believe you are being led the right way, even if it means you are dying in Iraq for no reason. What mystifies me is why so many rightwingers still approve of the W, Rove and Co. It's beyond me.

5:04 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

You know, windspike, I think it's a case of culture shock: These Bush supporters espouse beliefs that wouldn't be out of place in the past century, or even earlier. They should be an evolutionary deadend. this is their last hurrah.
However, I'm not saying that what the rest of the world has to offer is better...

5:26 PM  

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