Monday, February 06, 2006


New day, new energy. A dizzy spell for my mom, but no out and out fainting. Another slowing trend, it would seem.
Ran hills, saw many rabbits lumping about.
Watched a PBS rendition of Henry VIII's reign, or at least Part 1, through the first two wives. They killed off Charles Dance, who was playing one of Horny Hank's advisors, and Helena Bonham Carter, who played Anne Ho-Bitch Boleyn. Another advisor, Thomas Cromwell, during the railroading of Anne Boleyn, sounded like Kenneth Starr going after Clinton, salivating over her "perversions," smirking, licking his chops. Dried up sexless royal advisor. Hmm, history seems doomed to endlessly repeat....
The Henry VIII kept repeating his mantra,"Mah daddy on his deathbed asked me to PROMISE him one thing: Produce a male heir." Did that fixation ever lead to high hilarity and crimes. Just think what our country would be like, if we could overthrow leaders if they didn't produce male heirs.


Blogger isabelita said...

Not a big fan of hers, eh? Well, check your local public TV station, this is a multi-part series on Henry VIII.
She got, in fact, beheaded by a French swordsman imported especially for the job, according to the script. Right before he takes his swing at her,a la Tiger Woods, she appears to be tipping him, and spoke to him throatily en Francais...
It's not a terrific show, but it sure as hell beats regular TV, if ya ask me...

8:32 PM  
Blogger zelda1 said...

The thought that our leader did, at one time, reproduce, well is frightening and that he had sired two is even more frightening, but to expect him to do it again, well that's just wrong. No more Bush genes should ever be permitted to form into a zygote of anykind, that would be like expecting Hitler to have sperm frozen somewhere and then and then some poor woman to have to carry his spawn and then and then oh my god, I can't go there, well that's how it would be with Bushwhacker. I say, off with his head. In a joking, non threatening to the security of the USA type of thing and metaphorically as in not the brain head but the, well if the CIA or Bush is reading this, I'm teasing. I love living under almost martial law and love our country having the reputation of being big fat bullies and having an intelligent president, well that is way over rated anyway.

3:49 AM  

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