Monday, February 20, 2006

Relative normalcy

Kind of a regular day. Got to go for a little indoor climbing session with my friend who has the chihuahua puppies, and we had a nice moderate litle workout. She made a pan of fabulous cinnamon rolls to reward me for walking the pups, which I shared with my homies.
Beloved spouse, son and I walked out for a coffee break late in the afternoon. Later, went off to the People's Pub in Ballard for beer and grub. Got into an intense discussion of How Badly the World is Being Fucked Up, and at one point, I found myself suddenly and uncontrollably in tears. Much frustration and worry, personally and generally. The background anxiety level is amping up for anyone who is paying attention. Oddly, some fellow passed by us and made some remark about "focusing on solutions." Swell words, but there are certain situations that do not appear to have solutions; they're like a huge filthy barn or cesspool that needs constant cleaning, and constantly refills.


Blogger Unknown said...

Being provoked to be "suddenly and uncontrollably in tears" is what the W, Rove and Co. is all about. Certainly, we are on the slippery slop to hell. Solutions are in the eye of the beholder, no? Certainly, the W, Rove and Co believe they are in it for the good of the american people. What they don't realize is that they take their samples from the cream at the top, not the from the middle or bottom - were we are getting royally screwed by the monkeys in charge. Bleep them and vote em out, I say.

12:36 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

'spike, I DON'T think the US misleaders give a flying fuck about "the people," other than to be sure they have a great unwashed and ignorant, undereducated and tractable base to keep them in power. They do not believe they are doing it for the people, they are a craven and wily bunch who care only for their piles of loot. You know all this bullshit about "ownership," "protecting the Amurkan peepul," blah blah blah-dee-blah blah is truly "catapulting the propaganda." They are cynical plunderers.
Of course, ultimately, agree with your fianl statement!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No doubt, you are spot on Isa. The pirates of the w, rove and co. only care about themselves and the coporate whores they go raiding with.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

We own it, but we'll let you use it...for a fee. A large fee. And we're keeping an eye on you. Yup, I think you're right, I. Time to bring out the ancient torture instruments. Time to pull the tarp off the guillotine!

8:38 PM  

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