Friday, July 28, 2006

Cooling clouds

Which dissipated by mid - afternoon, providing a fine walking day. Fremont seemed a worthwhile goal, so I strode down to the ship canal to savor the breeze in the poplars and off the water.
When I got home, there was "breaking news" on the TV about a shooting downtown in the Jewish Federation building. The Federation had held a pro-Israel rally on Mercer Island over the weekend, and my guess is they enraged someone over the Lebanon debacle. Turned out to be one woman killed, four wounded, by a Pakistani /Muslim/American, with family in Pasco, Washington, over east of the mountains. Hadn't heard his motivation by after dinner, so went outside to water plants, during which activity I was nailed on the hand by a yellowjacket. It has swollen pretty badly, and I'm feeling murderous towards the perpetrator. Her nest shall go down. We sprayed it well after dark.


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