Monday, February 04, 2008

In search of...

Exercise, books, kitchen rugs; two out of three wasn't bad, especially with the company of the beloved spouse. In this junk-piled world, you'd think there'd be one small, colorful washable oval rug out there to buy; I may have to resort to Amish rug-making techniques. I don't like shopping, I'm not a greedy consumer; I just want stuff to last forever and don't give a damn about "fashion", which I think is brainwashing. I got over consumer fever attacks back in high school. Big box stores make me ill. A stop for hot chocolate washed away the unpleasantness.


Blogger MarcLord said...

"I'd hate to think that it was all just fashion."

The Big Chill (

For the hoi polloi, it always is. Glad to hear you don't be that way, bearing in mind I'm almost the most unfashionable creature alive.

7:22 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

hey, I'm getting to the age where I would probably wear the same clothes forever, as long as they lasted that long... some kind of hiking clothes uniform....

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her one purchase from Victoria's Secret in all the years I've known her was a sweatshirt.

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By which I mean (he hastened to add) that I'm proud of her. We buy good stuff and use it forever. I think it's from hearing parents and grandparents talk about life in the Depression, and buying into the ethos of thrift.

She's had what we call in the IT business a Low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

10:23 PM  

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