Dali shmali
Guess I'm kind of down on Mr. Lama because of his religious boilerplate about homosexuals, and even any kind of lovemaking between straight folks that doesn't lead to reproduction; he's an Eastern brand of pope. My hope for a religious figure who was thoroughly and unhypocritically compassionate has been throttled in its infancy. I have appreciated many of the DL's statements, but they don't go far enough to aply to all the humans stranded on this poor little planet. I think, too, that any time people get all swoony and nuts over some supposedly holy or wonderful individual, all kinds of red flags need to fly.
I'm with you on this one all the way, isabelita. Seems to me that a true humanist would make the very best "religious" figure.
I am so glad you wrote this! I completely agree. Isn't it time for some down-to-earth leadership, without all the robes and mumbo-jumbo? I'm weary of a world that still believes this kind of stuff.
The world, when stressed, seems to slide backwards to this kind of malarkey.
Malarkey is the word for it. I think "Industrial Light and Magic" is so descriptive of religion; too bad a createive film company nabbed it before the church could!
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