Friday, October 28, 2005

Book hunting

After our usual late morning exercise, I went off to run an errand for our beloved son who's still out of town, and to look for some books which are coming up on this month's book group schedule. Among the two used bookstores and the University Book Store, I found all of the Elizabeth Bowen novels I needed, as well as the two we didn't have for this round.
On the way home, I passed a very bedraggled, tired and obese young woman, who was slumped on a low retaining wall with a flimsy baby stroller in front of her. A little baby face peeped out of the seat, and a little baby pitbull peeped out and howled from a carrying section below the human baby. As I passed, an angry-looking unkempt and obese young man shuffled over to her, and stood over his little family. It was a very depressing sight, and I didn't want to stare. They looked as if they might be homeless, or close to it. They didn't look like they would bother to train the dog, and it made me wonder about the baby's future.
We're heading out around 9:30 to hear some music.


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