Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Top to toe!

Hairdo Day, with the added treat of toenail maintenance. The wonderul woman my mother and beloved spouse go to for dos and haircuts also does pedicures and manicures. Mother still does her own fingernails, but her feet are literally unreachable for her, and I just can't do it, so for $15 it's a nice treat for my mother. The stylist has a "foot spa" in which she gets feet ready, and applies some massage along the way too, on feet and ankles.
Got in any early run and workout, and am relieved to find that my knees seem to be mending. They have been sore ever since that cold/flu I had a couple of weeks ago, and it annoys the dickens out of me when me parts complain and don't work properly.
Hair and Toes Do Day, smashing success! We even went to the supermarket for a few things, and my mom sat and watched by the self checkout spot. Undoubtedly doesn't sound like much, but she loves it. My climbing pal's high school age daughter was there geting snacks before her soccer game, and sweetly greeted us. Gotta tell her mom, she'll be pleased.
Not holding my breath about the Bush crew's possible criminal charges. Now, if they all committed ritual disembowelment, I'd be impressed.


Blogger Doug Bagley said...

Disembowlment, oh, that's cold, very cold, LOL.

5:44 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Well, Doug, I don't know about you, but Bush/Cheney/Rove et al leave me cold, chilled to the marrow, actually.

Kathy, I wouldn't want to SEE it, just hear about it. Frankly, it does make me sound cold-blooded, but I think this crew is a pack of war criminals, not much different than Saddam, expcet perhaps for the degree to which they've caused unnecessary deaths in pursuit of power. I'd wager they'd love having despotic power like Saddam did.

12:42 PM  

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