Friday, November 11, 2005

How did I blow off yesterday's post?

Just a usual day, with a couple of little walks for Mother, talking to the chickens across the street; I got in a run and weights, and got to bed early to be able to get up at 3:00 to make sure beloved son caught his airport shuttle. He flew to Boston starting at 6:00 Seattle time, and may be there by now, after two layovers. Long day, but it was free with miles.
I finished Bowen's In the Heat of the Day; another fine example of her wonderful writing. At times the dialogue seemed protracted, but I couldn't find anything I would have excised; she somehow makes lengthy conversations and internal musings work beautifully. I do wonder if my occasional impatience has something to do with the declining attention span of the 21st century person. Mine is pretty good on some things, not so good on others; I'm thinking the sort of mindset of a WW II era educated Briton might involve more staying power with reading material than one from 2005...
The homemade pizza deep dished itself, via a very actively rising crust, but it was tasty.
Beloved spouse gets home after midnight. I'm crashing early, and maybe I'll wake up when he's here.


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