Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Reminescing already?

Oh, the sun' s out! Time to run hills and stop maundering about missing the desert!
Okay, after some running and weightlifting, I feel a bit more balanced. Now I will hark back to our days in J-Tree....
The two young musicians were fond of Jameson's Irish Whiskey. Eric, the cellist, went at the climbing so hard his hands were bashed and bloodied, but I presume stronger for the effort.
His pal Tom the violinist was quiet, very sweet. Jo Lynn, the other satellite of Campsite #13, seemed at first kind of unusual, but a most generous and good-hearted person. She had a specialty, a little dutch oven in which she cooked really delicious desserts. One night, she made a wonderful chocolate cake with cranberries and chocolate chips, which I also scarfed for breakfast the next day; another night, it was an oatmeal banana chocolate chip cake that was kind of like a moist scone. She also made some rice noodles with veggies and peanut sauce that tasted heavenly. She came and went unpredictably. I got out of our tent one morning at dawn, and there she sat, putting pine pitch on her bleeding toes. She said it worked as a natural healing agent. A couple of the climbing routes I worked very hard at on toprope, she soloed, meaning she went up them without any kind of rope or gear...truly scary for me, but I suppose anything I do seems scary to others as well.
I'm still not certain about all the interpersonal dynamics that were at work. I do know that one night, we had an enjoyable literary discussion; Eric had recently been reading Moby Dick and Don Quixote, and it was fun to exchange thoughts about these classics. Not sure what relationships anyone had with anyone else, but we were all cordial.
Got a call tonight from beloved son - he and Jo Lynn were "in town," perhaps doing laundry or showering. His car was intact, parked safely behind Coyote Corners, a gift shop at the turn off to the park. I reminded him to send his grandmother a postcard.
Off to read.


Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Congrats on the sun coming out. Must be kind of a shock, huh?

12:49 AM  

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