Friday, March 03, 2006

Lost steam

If I ever had some today...choring around, waiting for a phone call regarding my mother's health care. Her next stop: Seeing a cardiologist, to find out whether that particular big muscle is involved in the awful and vague problems she's been experiencing. Today she walked five blocks at a good pace for her, no "spells," much cheeriness. Would that this could continue without any more horrendous scares. Spent a bunch of time talking with her doctors' offices, and we have another couple of visits to see them in the next two weeks. Wonder if they'll find anything definitive.
I've decided, changing my mind yet again, that this Hesse selection is one for pompous folks to chaw over. I'm moving on to Small Island, by Andrea Levy. British writer, current, sounds more accessible than blowhardy Hesse.
We're heading out this evening to hoist some vino with a few friends.


Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

Hmmm. Sounds like you've been living in a little bit of a 'Hesse Hell'.

1:43 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Neil - Yes, Hessian Hell! I'm feeling so free right now without it!

Kathyr - I even feel like I'm translating for her many times - good grief, can you imagine how awful it must be for people hwo don't have anyone to advocate for them? This stuff is scary enough for me, and i'm supposedly cogent enough to handle it!

3:23 PM  

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