Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sleeping in a carwash

So windy and stormy last night, and our bedroom is right on the southwest corner of the house, taking the brunt. Fortunately, Hesse had lulled me to sleep before 10:00, and when I was wakened later, all I had to do was glance at the cover of the novel and off I went again, to bizarro dreamland.
A pleasant enough day, which culminated in an evening walk with beloved spouse, a stop at a nearby watering hole for a beverage accompanied by something described as "cheddar serrano cornbread," and which appeared to have been cooked in a skillet to order. It had a nice little bite from the chiles, kernels of corn, and a light honey glaze on top. Absolutely delectable, and my new favorite snack to go with beverages. I like items in the cornbread family, and shall be looking into this...


Blogger isabelita said...

It was terrific with a mojito, kathy! I found a recipe for it, which included thyme. I'm leaving that out when I try it, since I don't htink it would fit with the peppers.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Neil Shakespeare said...

I love those books where you only have to look at the cover and they send you scurrying to dreamland.

1:42 PM  

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