Saturday, July 29, 2006

Swollen southpaw

My hand looks like a miniature baseball glove, one that itches and burns. I'm finding out how left-handed I really am. According to our consulting nurse, the swelling goes through several stages. Thus far, they have been: Ugly, uglier, and yet uglier.
Wonderfully cool summer day, marred by a constant need for an ice pack. No more benedryl duing daylight hours, makes me too spacy.


Blogger Unknown said...


Sorry to hear about your fist. Sorry to have been out of the loop for a bit. I was on holiday visiting family. Back into the fray (or blogging breach if you like)shortly.

1:20 PM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

What happened to your hand?
I played handball once sans gloves and about five minutes after the game both my hands were so swollen they looked like I had Mickey Mouse hands. Funky looking as hell for a few hours.

Hope the pain becomes history for you.

2:34 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Thanks, 'spike. It's gone down significantly over the past 24 hours. Hope you had fun on your family visiting trip.

Pop, I got stung by a yellow jacket on my left hand last Friday, and reacted pretty strongly to the venom. The skin still looks kind of weird and stretched out. Now it itches like crazy.

A little spacy is okay, but I feel so whacked when I take benedryl during the day.
I think our son managed to knock out the nest, so I do hope no one else gets attacked.

5:41 PM  

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