Thursday, February 07, 2008

Karmic activities

Out on our daily walk, my mom and I found some notebooks and folders which belonged to someone attending a local naturopathic medical school. We had seen a car with out of state plates with "Naturopath" holding brackets parked up the street with an obviously broken into window on one side, so figured that this new to the area person had been ripped off. It ultimately turned out to be so, and the naturopath-in-training was extremely grateful to get her notebooks back; her midterms are next week. She said it was ironic the thieves, who took all her medical equipment which she had left in the car, had broken in; she leaves her vehicle unlocked, and usually nothing in it. I was sorry to see her introduction to the neighborhood was so lousy, but she seemed philosophical about it.
Later we got a robocall inviting us to a FREE meet and greet Friday with Nutball John McCain; my mom wondered if it was because she used to be a Republican. I told her they aren't that good at ferreting people out. We get everybody here these days, stumping for support. They have got to be exhausted.


Blogger robin andrea said...

I think I know that naturopathic school. We took a lovely walk through the neighborhood last year.

I have a hard time with the stress around elections, and geez, it's only freakin' February. We have to put up with this stuff for nine more months.

6:30 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

The naturopath college is over on the east side of Lake Washington, but they have a clinic not too far from here, robin a.
Oh, man. Poor Dems, whomever they send forth will be absolutely assaulted by the GOP shit-slinging machine. It's going to be horribly ugly. But if McCain is the GOP nom, he must be exposed constantly and relentlessly to the light, if the MSM will do it. If it won't, then the netroots must do it.

7:46 PM  

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