Tuesday, July 26, 2005


It's happening...things are ceasing to function. First this morning was my poor old PC. She's glitching badly, keeps re-booting...I fear it's the end for her. Or him. Or it. What's next? Our very ancient laundry machines, dating from the 70's and wearing their avocado hue proudly? I HATE WHEN STUFF BREAKS DOWN. I am not into conspicuous consumption, I want things to last forever. I am not one who needs to consume, update, buy, buy, buy. I am channeling my weird father, who represented the true meaning of "conservative": CONSERVE! Make due, make it last! NOT into appearances, NOT into fashion. It should be called "faschion!"
So I am writing on our son's computer. Had to sort of weasel into his space to use it.
What else? Fabulous resort-like weather today, but my mom seems to be suffering from the heat. Lack of appetite, wackiness of the head.
I got a run and workout done. I'm grateful for that.
Catch 22 is putting me to sleep. I want to wake up and be completely energized.


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