Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Frost on the pumpkin, the grape vines, the zucchini...

A little after 3:00 this morning, I wandered downstairs for cold water. There was frost on rooftops and cars, and a nearly full moon illuminated it all. Later, closer to noon, we had a wonderfully sunny 8 block walk. I got in a run and wieght session; Hairdo Day came later in the afternoon, and our usually cheerful stylist was obviously out of sorts.
Mother swept another batch of leaves off the sidewalk, once they'd dried out enough to come unstuck. I raked, and a lovely time was had by all.
Beloved spouse returns from a short trip to Arizona late tonight.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Isabeleta,

thanks for coming on over to post at my location. You are correct - in-laws are a bear, and the Mother-in-law tops the list. I have three - yup, three. Two are married to eachother, so you get the picture. I often say, my life is a sit-com waiting to happen.

I too saw the moon last night as I trudged down the hill to collect more Motrin and Tylenol for the cocktail my 1.5 yr old son needed to fend of the fever he's sleeping off now. Remarkable as it light up the sky.

Winter besets.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Opps, I noticed I typed your moniker incorrectly, for give me. Shall we call you Isabelita or does Isa work for short?

3:57 PM  
Blogger isabelita said...

windspike, I couldn't find a way to send you an email response. I think you have to spell Isabelita correctly for Blogger, but it's immaterial to me, as it's a pseudonym.
I do hope your little one is feeling better.

4:21 PM  

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