Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Watching the block

We are sort of the de facto sentinels, as we walk up and down and around every day; it's been peaceful, other than the chicken incident. Several of us met for a dessert block watch gathering, with a visitor from down the main street dropping by with his dog and a six pack of hard cider. It was very congenial, and one of the neighbors' kids put on a three act entertainment for us, with hula skirt, cowgirl hat and boots, sword, hobby horse, and finally, fairy wings. Indescribably wonderful.


Blogger Imperatrix said...

Oooh! Guerilla theater. I had a prof in college who waxed poetic about his days in 1970s NY doing just that.

6:07 AM  
Blogger isabelita said...

Heh, yes, performed by a four-year-old guerilla! The very best of its type of art.

11:28 AM  

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