Went out to the kitchen this morning to make my cappucino; heard loud whackings near the back steps, went out to find guys cutting down the huge-stemmed rosemary shrub that's been growing back there for several years. The friend who's long gardened in our back yard had evidently told his landscape business employees to remove it, or maybe they misunderstood him, but I was shocked. He and I do not concur on how drastically to prune things. I guess it could be argued that I am too lax, but I think he's quite severe. He does do this for a living, though, so has expertise. I am after all a humble tree-hugger...
Just went out to see what the morning is like, and found that they had somehow gotten the rosemary bush splinted up. It isn't gone, so maybe will heal and survive. He said he wants to put in a smaller one and move it away from the walkway. Well, they do grow back. Kind of like mangled haircuts.
Had yet again good conversation at our Drinking Liberally gathering. We met a thirty-something woman who is an arts lawyer. Sharp as could be, engaging, and has an interesting background. She is in a minority group - well, two, counting being black and female - attended a local private high school that's known for producing the guys who started Microsoft, and which now is hard if not impossible to get into - and engaged us with things about her life and work. She decided to come to the gathering because she said she was weary of meeting up all the time with the lawyers from the third floor of her building for drinks across the street and the same conversations about work. I've met different people every time we've gone to Drinking Liberally, with all kinds of backgrounds and opinions, so perhaps she will find it refreshing as well.
In early afternoon, I received an IM hail from a young woman I've struck up an exchange with via our online book group. She and her parents and sister live in Beirut, and I'd put out a message to her to see what was happening. Her assessment of the situation is a classic distillation of being in a war: Much time spent being bored, interspersed with fear. She is the same age as my brother's older daughter, going to be a junior at university. Very well-read, multi-lingual, and well-spoken. Her family is shocked at the USA's UN asshole Bolton's statement regarding civilian casualties in Lebanon not being as important as Israeli ones. Meanwhile, their lives are seriously impacted in ways the fat-assed shits of America never seem to be. How 'bout if Hizbollah starts shelling Texas?
Off for a gym workout with my main climbing partner and friend. Too nice to be inside, perusual, but we had a limited window of time in which to do anything. We take what we can carve out.
Delightful early evening walk to a restaurant up on Phinney Ridge near the zoo which has long offered New Mexican food. And it was Margarita Wednesday, with slightly discounted beverages. Lovely walk, good grub, and lively conversation with the beloved spouse.
Time for repose.